Tag Archive for: Business Tips

Running a business is a lot like navigating a ship. We move forward into the deep unknown, conquering small currents, big currents and all kinds of obstacles. And more often than not, we do this without a lot of guidance. We simply keep moving forward, learning as we go, in the hope that somehow we will arrive at our destination. 

The big question is, however…

Do we actually know what our destination is? Do we have a clear idea of where we are heading? And do we know when we have arrived?

When running a business, day in and day out, it’s easy to get caught up in the operation, without ever really thinking about where we want to end up. Maybe you never had a clear idea of what your destination is, taking it one day at a time. Maybe you did have a clear direction at the start but simply lost track. Or maybe your dreams and goals have changed completely and it’s time to redefine them.

When I first started out in business, I always heard business coaches and successful entrepreneurs talk about the importance of having a clear vision. It all sounded great, but nobody told me how to actually create one. It has always been this abstract thing that every business owner needs, but nobody knew how to go about it. 

It wasn’t until one of my business mentors taught me how to create a clear vision for my business that I truly understood how powerful it really is.

A clear vision is a compass in your business. It’s the guiding force that keeps you on track when you are sailing through rough waters, you’ve lost your way, or when you feel pulled in different directions. So, how do you get clear on what you want in your life and business and turn it into a compelling vision?

How to write a business vision

Here are 3 steps to creating a vision for your business that will help you gain more clarity, increase your motivation and ultimately live a happier life.

1. Define Your Values

You can’t write a great vision without first getting clear on your core values. What are core values? They are the things that you care about deeply and that are absolutely uncompromisable.

Take some time to think about everything that matters to you. Write everything down. Don’t leave anything out. You might want to ask yourself these questions.

  • What really matters to me?
  • Why am I in business?
  • What do I stand for?

Write down all the answers you can come up with. Try to aim for at least 30 answers or more. When you really can’t think of anything else, it’s time to group what you have written into 3-6 words that will represent and encapsulate all your answers. 

Here’s an example of how you can group your values

You might have gone into business because you are looking for financial freedom. But also because you wanted to travel more or spend more time with your family. In order to do that, your business needs to be able to run without you. You’ll need to be able to physically remove yourself from the business. Because ultimately, all three things mean “Freedom”, you could make that one of your core values.

Once you grouped everything that’s important to you into 3-6 words, order them by significance and write a short paragraph for each of your core values outlining what it encompasses and means to you.

You now have a set of core values that you can refer to every time you need to make a decision in your life or business to make sure it aligns with what truly matters to you. I suggest you print out your values and put them somewhere visible, so you can refer to them frequently.

2. Start Dreaming Big

Step one was about your needs. Needs that need to be fulfilled in order for you to be happy and live a balanced, purposeful life. Step two is about your wants. Make a list of everything you can think of that you want to have, do or experience in your lifetime. Do you want to skydive (I highly recommend it)? Are there any particular places you want to see? Any special people you want to meet? Any particular achievements you want to make happen?

It’s important that you don’t limit yourself when doing this exercise and simply allow your creativity to flow. Get creative. Don’t overthink. Don’t get caught up in your beliefs of why you can’t have or do a certain thing. If you dream about it, put it on paper!

Here are two questions that might help you.

  • What would I do if I knew I could not fail?
  • What would I do/have if I had all the time and money in the world?

3. Write Your Vision

Now that you are clear on your core values and allowed yourself to dream for a while, it’s finally time to craft a compelling vision for your future. A story that you can read to yourself from time to time (or daily) to remember what you are doing it all for. 

Keep in mind that this is your personal vision for your life, so make sure it speaks to you. As you learn and grow, your goals and vision might change, too. That’s perfectly fine. Take some time each year to review and rewrite your vision, add anything of importance to you and take out those things that don’t really matter anymore.  You can simply start like this:

“It’s 3 years from now and…”

Then describe in detail what you want your life to look like. Use present tense and write as if these things have already happened. Describe how it makes you feel. Feel into the moment as if you are already living this life. The clearer the picture you paint, the more powerful it will be when you read over it again in a few months. 

Have you ever tried to identify your core values or written a vision for your business before? What’s your experience? How has it helped you? Do you find the above exercises helpful? Leave me a comment below! I’d love to hear your thoughts.


While some business owners struggle to keep their businesses afloat, others appear to flourish even in the most difficult times.

For some, a common complaint seems to be that referrals simply aren’t enough to drum up business anymore. The interesting thing is that most of these same business owners are not trying anything different to market their businesses even though the market clearly seems to have changed. On the other hand, there are business owners who have seen exceptional business growth all through the year and not just any kind of growth either; I am talking about stellar growth.

So what are the things that set successful business owners apart? Here are nine things successful business owners do differently.

1. They Don’t Focus on the State of the Economy

Instead, they focus on how it alters buying behaviours exhibited by their customers without letting the despondency of it depress them. If your services or products are genuinely useful or helpful, then you will definitely find people who are willing to buy from you regardless of the economic conditions.

2. They Offer their Customers Something New

If you find that people aren’t buying what you’re selling, even though they used to, this could be an indication that you need to change things up. The obvious reaction would be to cut your prices, but this will devalue what you are offering. Instead, try adding value by developing new packages out of services and products you already own or updating your current offerings. You could go as far as to offer something entirely new such as training programs, new product bundles or products, an eBook, or even a workshop. Be creative and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. All successful business owners do.

3. They Don’t Just Guess

Successful business owners don’t guess. Conduct a survey and collect customer feedback to discover what they want, so you can offer products and services that are in high demand. You can use free or low-cost online surveys or provide your customers with an in-person questionnaire. Honest customer feedback will help you make better decisions in your business and reassure you when you are on the right track. Be sure to always rely on facts and numbers and stop guessing.

4. They Take Advantage of New Technology

The digital space has grown rapidly in recent years and I am sure you have used one tool or another in your own business. So why not use it to improve your online presence? The social networking tools at your disposal also make it cheaper for you to effectively market your business. Social media allows you to expand your reach and maybe even have fun in the process. However, it is crucial that you actually have a game plan. Download your free social media blueprint to put your entire content strategy on autopilot.

5. They Constantly Grow Their List

Ensure you have a list of your current and previous customers that you keep in touch with, not to mention new prospects. This will help them remember and get to know your business better. Of course, you can collect contact information in your office or over the phone and send out print materials. But to truly leverage your time and tap into your list’s full potential, you should have an offer and sign-up system on your website as part of your marketing strategy and then keep in touch using smart email automation. Why restrict yourself? You can even use both methods to supercharge your list growth.

6. They Offer Value

People expect more value for their money and time today than ever before, so focus less on selling your services and products and more on offering helpful solutions in your marketing strategy for better results. The more value you give, the more people will want to buy from you.

7. They Do Mixed Media Marketing

Develop a marketing plan and strategy that allows you to use multiple tactics or media channels to reach your target audience instead of focusing on just one. Ask yourself where your ideal customers hang out and how to best engage with them on their preferred platform. Then develop a strategy to direct them onto your own list.

8. They Never Stop Learning

Times are changing and you need to stay updated on what is new and working currently but you cannot do this if you are always busy in your business. Successful business owners understand the importance of taking time out of their business to learn and grow. Network, take part in seminars or read new material to meet new people and learn new things about the industry. Check out this list of 6 TED Talks every business owner must watch.

9. They Don’t Do It All Themselves

And finally, you probably don’t have time to learn about everything it takes to run, grow, and promote your business, particularly online. You may end up hitting a wall whereby your business will cease to grow; you will burn out, and feel exhausted. Hire an employee or virtual assistant to help you with repetitive tasks. Engage a professional marketing consultant or digital agency to help you develop and implement a sound marketing strategy that will save you time and headspace. If you’d like to have a chat about how to best grow your business, you can book a free strategy call here.

There you have it. Nine things that will not only help you become more successful in your business but happier as well.